Excellence Squareline Draining Tray for 73178

The Excellence Squareline Draining Tray for 73178 has been designed as an easy accessory to your Excellence Squareline Single Bowl.


322 W x 390mm H

$70 RRP*

(Previous name: Squareline Plus Draining Tray)

The Excellence Squareline Draining Tray for 73178 has been designed as an easy accessory to your Excellence Squareline Single Bowl.  Handmade from 1mm thick 304 stainless steel, this quality addition makes cooking a delight.

Suitable for the Excellence Squareline Single Bowl – 73178

Product variation

Code Product Name Product Specifications RRP($)
73178 Excellence Squareline Single Bowl 460 L x 400 W x 200mm D 275

*All prices are recommended retail inclusive of GST in AUD. To be used as a guide only, prices may vary between model variations, and are subject to change without notice. A number of brands and products on this website are the subject of registered trade marks, register designs and/or registered patents.