Ordering & Installation

Speak to your local distributor about ordering and arranging installation of your Aqua Nova system.

Installation, Maintenance & Servicing

All Aqua Nova systems must be installed by a licenced plumber. Generally, they can arrange your report for council submission, excavator and installation of the tanks onsite. Once installed your Aqua-Nova operates automatically and requires very little intervention. You should take the time to familiarise yourself with the owner’s manual and take a few simple precautions not to discharge products such as bleach, paint, coffee grounds or foreign objects that can interfere with the operation of your AQ system. Your local Aqua Nova Service Agent will need to service your Aqua-Nova every 12 months.

How to order (Australia)

Everhard Industries sells AQ systems across Australia with a large distributor network.  Visit our Distributor page to search through our list of AQ distributors. The steps below outline how to arrange installation of your system:

  1. Contact your local distributor for an obligation free quote. They will assist you in finding a wastewater system that suits your needs
  2. Your local distributor can advise if you require an independent consultant to prepare an Onsite Wastewater Management Report for your property
  3. Submit an application form required by your local government authority. Your local distributor should be able to assist
  4. Book in your system installation with your local distributor

Aqua-Nova Overseas

Everhard currently produces systems in a range of countries including, Australia, America, Vanuatu and New Zealand. Everhard and Aqua Nova distributors work closely with environmental ministers in countries such as Vanuatu and Uruguay with the mission to implement Aqua Nova and other Everhard wastewater solutions to stop sewerage entering natural waterways and improve living standards. Aqua Nova recycled water is a much needed solution to stop waste of valuable water resources.

How to order (International Export)

If you are interested in buying an Aqua-Nova for an international location, please contact us for further information.